Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthdays, Chemo and a New Grandbaby.

Yesterday my sister and I spent the morning with our parents at the cancer hospital. We got the sad news that my Dad's cancer is spreading like wildfire. So in order to try and put the fire out, he started chemotherapy this morning. We also had three birthdays in the family yesterday, so it seemed like I was celebrating all day long. After taking my sister out for lunch, I took a little nap until the rest of the family arrived to celebrate Trent's 9th birthday. I was so tired this morning it was nice to just stay home and do chores around the house. I was waiting for a call from Spencer to tell me how he and Annie were progressing at the hospital as they were having their 4th child. In the meantime my sister called to tell me that her son-in-law was headed to urgent care with severe pain from what they think are kidney stones. Are all families this crazy? Today is B.J.'s birthday so he and Candi are spending the day together but after the parties yesterday they can celebrate with his family. I just got to talk to Spencer and Annie and see a picture of their new little baby boy. He is safely here and weighs 8 pounds. That makes 17 grandchildren, 9 boys and 8 girls, someone needs to step up to the plate and have another girl to make it an even 18. We are having "joy in our posterity" but wow, it sure can be stressful at times, we wouldn't have it any other way though. At least we won't forget the day that Dad started chemo and our little grand baby was born, 10-11-12, how cool is that?

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