Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Adult Bullying Right Here in Gilbert"

I have wondered lately why I'm taking this fight against my friend so personal. Why do I care what members of my ward and some who I thought would support her do? I know my blood pressure is up and the loss of sleep has taken a toll on my health. As Rich and I were on our way to church the "light" came on. I realized that what these neighbors are doing to my friend is no less than "adult bullying." They watch her property and when she has an event, they are there taking pictures and listening over the fence hoping she will do something wrong so they can report her to the city. It's really sad. As a child in school I remember being made fun of because my name rhymed with beer, queer and rear. I was better in sports than most of the boys, so that was another way to hurt me. As my kids rode the school bus in Lehi with some of the Native American kids off the reservation, Mindi would come home with spit all over her hair from them. We had to pull Candi out of Moutain View High School and sell our dream home and move to Gilbert, because she was afraid of some girls who had threatened to kill her. That's the truth! I worry for my seventeen grand kids with all the cyberspace stuff and wonder which one of them will be stalked on the Internet. We could have pulled our kids out of school to protect them from all the negative aspects of growing up, but hopefully the experiences they had have made them better, stronger and more tolerant of others. Our family will continue to help a friend who has been wrongly treated and hopefully the truth will be told and those that have been unkind will get what is coming to them. We all get to pay for those things we do, myself included, as I'm a firm believer in Karma. Besides, if my friend loses her fight with the neighbors and has to sell her home and move, they will miss out on having a wonderful person as a neighbor. Isn't it ironic that October is National Anti-Bullying month?

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