Monday, July 9, 2012

Our Trip to Utah


Wow! Boy is it nice to be home and sleep in my own bed. We got home last night after spending six days in the car traveling through Utah and Arizona attending  high school and  family reunions. Rich drove 1700 miles visiting family and friends and seeing where he grew up and went to school. We spent the the 4th of July going to the parade, visiting his aunt and uncle in Monroe, his best friend in Glenwood and then we watched the fireworks alone, sitting in the truck, by the swimming pool in Richfield. On the 5th we headed north to Manti so Rich could attend the Manti Temple, something he has wanted to do for a long time.  It was cool and raining as I sat in the car working on Trulie's birthday quilt. Then we were on our way to Salt Lake to see his sister and her family. After doing a little quilt and fabric shopping, we had a delicious dinner and got some rest. On Friday we headed northeast to where the family reunion was held in Roosevelt, Utah. Rich and his brother-in-law did a little service project for a cousin who is in poor health.  They spent about seven hours building some stairs on the back of his house that had been in terrible condition. The family reunion was on  Saturday. It was so fun and we got to see all the cousins and their kids from Rich's side. By then I was extremely homesick, tired and missed my own children and grandchildren as I watched all the other family surrounded by their families. We left there at about 6:00 p.m. and started back to Richfield which was three hours away, we thought we might try and drive through the night but then decided we were just too tired so we ended up staying with his best friend Randy in Glenwood before heading home Sunday morning. I have lots more to talk about but am busy trying to get my house back together and laundry done, Spencer is coming in tonight for a 24 hour visit and I have to find somewhere for him to sleep. I miss him so much and wish Annie and the kids were coming to, but hopefully we will see them in a month or so.

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