Saturday, July 21, 2012

Will I Ever Feel Joy Again?

I made it through another week. Dad had three radiation treatments and Jenn had two tests on her gallbladder. I hate to see her sick but I got to see the grand kids while she was at the doctor, that was fun. Mindi kept the babies and non swimmers in the house while I took all the older kids out back to swim. They are all good swimmers except Brookie who was stressing over the creepy crawler the whole time, so I finally sent her back inside with Mindi. Today is the birthday of the son of a dear friend of mine who was killed in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. She comes over in the morning and we exercise, okay, we talk while moving around in the water. Knowing that it was Rhett's birthday today and Kamber's death date on Wed., I asked her how her life has changed since he passed away. I wasn't surprised to hear her say, "I have a hard time feeling any joy in my life since he died." Huh! It is hard after suffering a loss of a child to see the good in life and feel happy, I know that by experience. There have been times when I just get in a bad mood and then realise that I'm right back in the grieving process again. I hate it! Someday I hope to get through these negative thoughts, but I know my life will keep getting more complicated as my parents go through the aging process and my grand kids start hitting puberty and teenage years which always brings out stress, but I'm thankful for every trial I've been given, it has made me who I am and hopefully it makes me a better person.

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