I am wondering if I can make it through these next two days. I have proven that I can survive "hard things," but it seems like every day is hard lately. It doesn't matter how organized I try to be or get my shopping done early, it's always a mad dash to finish. I will be so glad when Christmas is over and I can get a good nights sleep. Last night after making four batches of caramel popcorn and doing some sewing I was so tired. I tried to read the paper but fell asleep about 11:00 p.m. At 1:30 a.m. I was in the deepest sleep when the dogs out back started barking their heads off. I waited for about five or ten minutes and then got up, turned on the light and started yelling at them to "SHUT UP!" They just kept on barking so Rich finally got up and went to the door and called them and told them to be quiet. He has had some tools and stuff stolen out of his barn so he put his pants and glasses on and headed out. He thought he saw a car sitting down at Mindi's so he went out their front door and crouched down behind his work trailer to see what was going on. I wanted him to just call the police but he's not afraid like I am. He said he was waiting by his trailer when he saw a guy walking a dog. Now, seriously who walks their dog at 2:00 a.m.? He soon realized it was a canine cop with a dog looking for someone who has been breaking into cars in our area. The cop told him he was lucky he stood up and put his arms up to tell him who he was and what he was doing because he almost let the dog go. When Rich came back to bed and told me about the excitement I was wide awake and couldn't settle back down until around 3:00 a.m. I don't know why I'm not able to get some good sleep. My cleaning girl came today but wasn't in the mood to help me, she was wanting to get on her way to California to spend it with family; I don't blame her. I finally just told her to leave and I could clean my own house. Yea, me with a cane in one hand and a vacuum in another. Hopefully Rich will be able to help on Christmas Eve. It's really hard to complain about him working so much when there are families with no work and no money. We thank the Lord every night we have a warm home and wonderful children and grand children. I don't know what I would do without my parents and their example of charity and sacrifice. I have too many blessings to count and I know how blessed I am to have the knowledge that we will be together and be able to see Kamber again. We wish you all a Merry Christmas! Hopefully I will live to tell about it.
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