Friday, December 3, 2010

"Stating the Obvious"

Rich and Dave took Trace and Tristyn to the Suns game. I haven't watched the Suns since they traded Charles Barkley. Mindi is on her way to take back a movie and go to the grocery store. I was going to go with her but after walking through Fry's I'm pooped. It's weird how when you have been housebound for a couple of months and then go out of your comfort zone, it just feels so overwhelming. When I was at physical therapy the other day the girl tech who was helping me in the pool, in a nice way, basically told me how I needed to walk around the block and get more active, and by the way get some of the weight off so your arthritis will get better. Hum! I would love to lose 100 pounds of unwanted fat but when someone who looks like an x-ray with hair tells someone who is obese that they need to lose weight it is kind of offensive. As I was telling my Dad what I thought about her he didn't think she was rude, she was diplomatic and "stated the obvious." This is also the girl who thought my eight-one year old Dad was my husband. Since my surgery I seem to notice people more. When I see someone walking with a limp I wonder what is wrong with them. Tonight at the grocery store a lady walked passed me who obviously had a prosthetic leg. Then as I rounded the bread aisle to the deli I saw two girls who were "thicker" than I am. I know the weight thing is more about being healthy than looking good in a bikini but why can't we just love and accept each other as we are? Why can't we give people the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the best they can? I know that every thing I have judged another on has ended up happening to me. Maybe tomorrow I will head on down the street and try to build my stamina and burn a few calories so I can enjoy that ham and potato dinner tomorrow night at the Ward Party and don't forget the steak and baked potatoes we will be feeding the missionaries on Sunday. Oh heck, maybe I will just wait until next week to start my diet and exercise program!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you just the way you are girl