Sunday, December 19, 2010

Am I Scrooge or the Grinch?

Last night as I went to bed I felt extremely discouraged. My husband had worked twelve to fourteen hour days for six days. This means that yes, my Christmas lights still aren't up and running. A few strands are around the windows but we still look like poor white trash in the decorating dept. I spent all day working on Christmas cards so my house looks like a bomb went off. It seems like everywhere I look there is something that needs to be done. My sister called and we went over the food assignments for our extended family party this week. We both don't do so well when stressed out so I said, "I'll be Scrooge and you can be the Grinch." I also have been concerned about some family members who have decided to get divorced. How bad does it have to be to leave your family, give up on the church and live a different life style? Anyway, I woke up as Rich was leaving for his 6:00 a.m. church meetings and turned on the TV to the BYU channel. It was a really good talk given on how we need to help others who are struggling financially or spiritually. I got ready for church and off we went. I love the sacrament meeting the week before Christmas because it is mostly music. The choir sang so beautifully and it was really moving. Then our Bishop's wife gave one of the best talks I have ever heard. She talked about "what gifts are we going to give this Christmas?" She gave a quote that I thought was so good I wrote it down. "True happiness only happens when we make others happy." That's my problem, I'm too worried about myself and not others. She then went on to talk about giving the gift of gratitude, charity and mercy. In keeping the true spirit of Christmas we can do good things for others. She then went on to talk about how charity manifests itself when we are tolerant with others and accepting weaknesses and shortcomings in others and just accepting people for who they are. I finally realized that I can't change anyone or anything but myself. Instead of being the Grinch or Scrooge maybe I will just be the best I can be this holiday season, who cares about the lights anyway?

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