Between my jelly making and shopping extravaganza I think my recovery has been set back a few months. Anyway, that's the way I feel this morning. To top it off I got another summons to go to Jury Duty. I received one just before my surgery so they let me off but rescheduled for the 16th of December. I tried to tell them that I don't drive, don't go into Phoenix by myself and now add not being able to walk to the list, it just frustrates me. I've made an appt. with my family doctor next week to hopefully get a note saying how physically and mentally impaired I am to be on a jury. Wish me luck! I was so discouraged this morning when I got up. That raging pain in my back and another one in my quad muscle has left me wondering if I will survive this. I felt like I needed some help, so I decided to spend some quiet time reading my scriptures. As I turned the page there was a copy of Kamber's obituary that I must have cut out and put in that part of my Book of Mormon. It's interesting how a little thing like that can take you back into the pain of the day of the accident. They say it gets better, but I know there is a hole in my heart that will never be healed. Today is my Mom's 81st birthday. How can my parents be that old? It doesn't seem possible. For her birthday we are making a scrapbook of all the families. We have me and my siblings and all their kids and the grand kids and now the great grands. Mindi and all those who are working on it have done such a good job, I think she will be thrilled. While I was looking for pictures to represent our family I found a few of my Mom and I. She truly is an angel to have put up with some of the crap we threw her way. I hope we will have her for many more birthdays, she has always been so supportive and generous with her time and talents. She truly tries to live her life as the Savior would want her to. Her legacy will be the great example of Charity that she emulates.

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