Last week when I was going through my pictures to put in the scrapbook for my parents I found this picture of these turkeys. They were in Spencer's pictures he sent home while on his mission in Chile. Most of the turkeys I've seen are all white so I thought these were really cute. This morning all my family went to run in the Turkey Trot. I should be used to being left behind but it still bothers me that they get to do things I'm not able to do. Well, I was sad for about ten minutes and then decided I would watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade and finish Trent's quilt. I also had to put my turkey in the oven and make a salad. Trent has been asking every day if it's finished so I hope he's happy. Now Trace thinks he needs a bigger, newer one too, so that will be my next project. This year everyone goes to the other side of the family. With Lennie on a mission and some family problems, we won't have anyone here besides my parents and Mindi, Dave and their little family. Spencer has practice but hopefully he will be home to celebrate with his young family. I had an old boyfriend and his wife stop by last night to drop off some medicine he ordered for me. He is a doctor and it is so nice of him to do that for me. We had a nice visit and served them a piece of banana cream pie. I think they have nine kids but only seven living. Their first baby nearly drowned when he was two years old and was extremely brain damaged. I think he passed away when he was around ten years old. They also had a son pass away recently because of a suicide. I asked his wife how she dealt with her first babies death. She said that you just have to deal with it, but it never goes away. This is the third holiday season without Kamber. These are the times that are the worst for me. I was sewing yesterday and looked up on my wall and there was a picture of her about six weeks old. I miss her everyday and wonder what she would be doing and who she would look like. This is a day to be thankful, so I'm extremely thankful for the time I have had with my kids and grand kids, they are very special to me. I also know that because of the Atonement, if I live a worthy life, I will get to be with my family on the other side. That is a wonderful blessing to me.
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