Sunday, August 8, 2010

True To Our Covenants

Between the scorpion sting on my leg, the black ant bites on my feet and my poor little arthritic hip, life sometimes gets a little bit difficult. I just went out to feed my animals and as I was watering the plants I looked up into the sky and there were some really pretty clouds. The colors of the plants seemed so bright and I began to think about how I need to take the time once in a while and stop worrying about my challenges and just think about the blessings in my life. Not even to mention it was only 96 degrees.
In one of our classes at church today we were talking about the importance of Fathers in the family. I have been blessed with a wonderful Dad. We haven't always seen "eye to eye, ' especially when I knew everything around sixteen, but all in all he has been so supportive. As I have talked about a lot our family has had some adversities in the last few years. It seemed like after Kamber passed away our family kind of went in to shock and then with me the depression and anger came. I know that is one of the stages of grief but until you go through something like that, you will never understand. My parents have been so great to support me and my family during all our trials. When we needed money for the funeral they were there. When work was slow and we needed food, they were there also. My parents live in a 50 year old house in Scottsdale, with the same furniture and the same pictures on the walls that have been there for at least thirty years. I keep telling my Mom that the kids have all grown up and had their own children and it's time to update, get rid of the baby pictures. All she says is "I likes it the way it is." My parents have sacrificed so much for the good of the family. We are getting so big with all the children and grandchildren but my Mom never forgets a birthday and my Dad is so generous at Christmas. They work in the Temple two nights a week and at their age I think that is remarkable.
I know they are worried sick about me and the pain I'm in. They are the ones who are wanting me to have surgery. Because we are self employed it has been hard to find health insurance to cover me, so most of the surgery will be paid for by them. Hopefully the insurance I do have will pay for some of it and Rich has been lucky to keep the business going and he continues to have some good jobs. We will survive, I hope.
In RS today we were talking about covenants. I look at how hard it is to be married and raise children. I see my own kids and the trials they have with raising this generation. Someone once said that with all the divorces going on how did Rich and I keep it together? The only thing that has truly kept us together has been that we have been true to the covenants we made in the Temple thirty four years ago. Without that we would not have made it, I'm sure of that. This year my parents will celebrate sixty years of marriage. I know it hasn't been easy for either one of them, but I always knew that they loved the Savior and they were true to the covenants that they made. I also know that they have put their happiness second to the happiness of all of us.
I am going to try really hard this week to see all the blessing and tender mercies that continue to come my way, I know I don't deserve them.

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