Friday, August 6, 2010

Four Birthdays, a Scorpion and a Naughty Boy

Every night when I go to bed I look in my sheets and wonder if this is the night I will get stung by a scorpion. I have to say I've been really lucky so far this summer but my luck ran out last night. I was sleeping so soundly at about 12:30 a.m. when I felt something crawl across my leg. I reached down and grabbed it and threw it off the bed. The problem is I wasn't quite fast enough before it stung me a few times on the back of my leg just below my knee. If you have ever been stung you know what's coming next. I went in the laundry room and grabbed a black light and plugged it in and tried to find the little bugger, but never did. I then started my treatment of ice, essential oils, benadryl and Tylenol. I layed on the couch in my living room until 2:30 a.m. and then went back to bed. When I was pulling up the sheets and shining my light Rich rolled over and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was scorpion hunting but he just rolled back over and went back to sleep. I figured if it got him I didn't care.

Today is Jenn's birthday so this is the fourth birthday this week for us. Tristyn turned twelve yesterday and her big blow out party is tomorrow afternoon. I can't believe how old my grand kids are getting. When Annie has her little girl it will make fourteen grandchildren for us. We are so thankful for the wonderful parents our children are. We are truly blessed and we don't take any of them for granted.

I had an experience with Mindi's baby Troy on Wednesday. We went out to Major's party and when we got home Mindi needed to take Tristyn to get her registered for junior high. The other boys were going to a friends house but Troy looked tired so I kept him with me. I got him a drink and turned on Micky Mouse Clubhouse and then went in the bedroom to watch Glenn Beck. This is my afternoon nap time and I tried really hard to stay awake. I could hear him in the family room and he even woke me up a couple of times to help him in the bathroom. Anyway, at 3:00 we have to turn off all our air conditioners because we are on a energy saving program with SRP. When I went into the family room it was a disaster, Troy had gotten out about four games and there were toys everywhere. I said, "Troy you pick up all these toys or I'm going to beat your butt!" I then went down to my house to turn the air off and when I walked down the hall I could see that my plants outside looked really wilted. I decided I would go out front and water the plants on the porch with the hose. I kept coming in and listening to hear if Troy was crying or anything and I never heard a word. After I was finished I went back down to Mindi's and Troy was gone. I went in to every room, the garage, outside the front, outside the back and I was calling his name all through the house. I then went down to my house and did the same thing searching every room and outside in the pool area and over by my ponds and no Troy. By then I was starting to have a panic attack and wondered if I should call 911 or Mindi. I decided I should call Mindi and tell her that her baby was missing and I was a terrible babysitter and grandmother. She said she was on her way and I hung up. I then went back to Mindi's house and did the same thing going room to room and yelling his name. It was 110 degrees so I didn't think he would be dumb enough to go outside but I didn't know where he would go in the ten minutes I had left him alone. I finally opened the front door yelling his name and when I turned back around there he was lying on the floor under the glass table in their living room not saying a word. Rich asked me if I "beat his butt" but I don't think Grandmas should spank their grand kids. Anyway, I called Mindi back who was on her way home by then and told her where he was. I don't think she will be leaving him with me anytime soon, that's probably good for both of us.

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