Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thank You All For The Prayers!

I have spent the last two days doing all my pre-operation tests. I saw my doctor yesterday, got an EKG, and a chest x-ray. This morning Mindi ran me down to get my blood tests done so if all goes well I will have surgery in two weeks. At times I'm scared to death to have to go through this, but at other times I almost get excited that just maybe my life will change for the better if I'm not in constant pain. I'm trying to use my mustard seed size faith and hope for a successful surgery and full recovery. If not, I guess I will get to deal with what is dealt me then.
I had a nice conversation with Annie today. She sounds better than she has in a long time. Baby Abney is doing so good. They put a pic line in a vein close to her heart yesterday so they can get the antibiotics in easier. She's eating good and blowing out of her diapers, all good signs that this little baby will recover from spinal meningitis she contacted. Annie had strep B but was given two rounds of antibiotics during labor, the doctors say it's a 1 in 100 or 1,000 that a baby would get the bacteria from a Mom who had been treated. But we all know about adversity and trials and this is one of those that we must learn something from. Annie wanted to make sure I thanked everyone who has prayed for them. She said she hasn't ever been in situation where she needed as much help as she has the last week. There have been family fasts and prayers and her name put on the temple prayer roll by many many people. She has heard from lots of the Bronco player's wives giving offers of help and support. She has even heard from wives of players from other teams who she doesn't even know who have heard about their desperate need for divine intervention. She knows that Heavenly Father was watching over them because if they would have waited much longer to get medical help the outcome would not be as good as we are hopeful it will be.
Spencer is back at practice and doing well. It is important for him to get back on the field and get to play in a pre-season game. When you play football at the professional level it is important that your mind is in a place where you can play hard. If not, there is a big possibility of getting injured, so with him being able to have a clear head and perform good in practice is a blessing. He knows that his baby is being taken care of by a wonderful Mother and dedicated nurses and doctors. Annie's Mom has been up in Colorado helping her. She is truly an angel and I know how much Spencer and Annie appreciate her. Thanks again to everyone who keeps our family in your prayers we love you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Teri, I am so proud of you, you are going to be so proud of yourself when this surgery is all over with. You are going to feel much better, whenever I have to go into surgery I always have bad anxiety, last time I freaked out in the waiting room and all the other patients who were waiting were asking to have me removed because I was scaring people, well I am scary. This is time I am going to my happy place and you need to go to your happy place where ever that is for you...just go there. I love you and want to help so let me know what I can do. xoxo monya