Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Remind Me Why We Live Here

I've been feeling a little bit down, I know that's not a news flash to anyone who really knows me well. The treatment I tried for a week to relieve the pain made me sicker than just dealing with the pain so now I'm going to plan B which is surgery. I have begged and pleaded with the Lord to just give me a new hip but I'm still hobbling around on my 57 year old arthritic one. My daughter in law Annie said, "well you got as much use out of it as you could, you wore it out." Something like that anyway. I did something I never really wanted to do today and that was go to the Motor Vehicle Dept. and get a handicapped sticker. At least it's only a temporary one so I have to be well by February. The baby is doing better, the spinal tap came back negative which means the antibiotics are working. Annie continues to stay in the hospital with her and she is doing better about eating and moving her little arm. We continue to pray for her full recovery and have faith that she will be made whole. Thanks to everyone who is praying for little Abney, we definately can feel them.
When I went to bed last night I was really ticked off. Someone said something to me that was rude and I am just a little bit sensitive right now. It doesn't help that our main air conditioner went out while Rich was in Colorado watching the Broncos practice and play the Detroit Lions. That's another story too. My bedroom was 87 degrees when I was watching the news and it was still 101 outside when they were reporting the weather. Remind me why we live here? Is it really because we don't want to shovel snow and scrape ice off our windshields? I could use a nice big snow storm right now.
As I was lying awake in the night because I couldn't find anywhere in my house that was cool and comfortable to sleep I was going down the list of all my problems. Then I remembered all the stories I had heard on the news before I went "cool air hunting." The two year old that they found in the pool not breathing. The thirty three miners trapped 2,297 miles underground since Aug. 5 in Chile. The traffic jam in China that won't be cleared up until sometime in Sept. The millions of people stranded and homeless with no food because of floods in Iran. Wow! How ungrateful am I to think that not having air conditioning for a few days, having hip pain and my bruised spirit were anything even close to what the suffering is that is going on in the world right now. Hopefully we can get some cool air blowing so I can get a better outlook on life SOON. I know the sun is coming up again tomorrow and hopefully it will cool down by Christmas.

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