Friday, August 28, 2009


Growing up I hated to read. My sister even wrote a paper on how I hadn't read anything harder than a little book called, "Walter the Lazy Mouse." After I had my miscarriage, and fell in that "black hole" called anxiety and depression, I started reading everything I could get my hands on to try and fix the problem. When you add in all the books on PMS and "How to Get Along With a Man" books, I have read a lot of books. I've been reading a book called "You Can Be HAPPY No Matter What." I have had it for a few years but until I fell in the toilet (black hole) last week I never read it. It seems like everything I have been reading lately talks about "controlling our thoughts." He says that every negative feeling is a direct result of our thoughts. "The only way a thought, or series of thoughts, can harm you is if you give them significance. If you don't, they have no power to hurt you without your consent, you will retain power over your life." He then goes on to talk about living in the "NOW". "When our thinking is right and we can live in the present, we can keep our minds from spinning forward toward worries and concerns- or backwards toward regrets and past hurts." This is so hard for me. I live most of my life in the future worrying about everything I need to do, or in the past about everything I didn't do. I know our thoughts are important because they even talk about it in the scriptures. In Mosiah 4:30 it says, "If ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish." "WOW" if I don't start controlling my thoughts I will perish. That is pretty strong. For someone who has been labeled the "most negative person on the planet." I have lots of work to do on controlling my thoughts. I have a feeling it is going to take me a long time but I will work on it a day at a time.

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