Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rich and The Amazing Race

I made it through the first night alone and did pretty well. Only up one time and went right back to sleep. This week has been crazy and I had two really bad nights, one where I started chilling, again, and shook until I woke Rich up wondering if I needed to go to the hospital. An hour later I was running a high fever but made it through the night with the help of antibiotics and Tylenol. Then the night before he left I was awake most of the night worrying about his 6 a.m. departure for the "Amazing Race" he is running this next week. He was headed to Frankfurt, Germany last time I talked to him and I hope he made it there safely. Then he will be on his way to Saudi Arabia and then to Ethiopia. My sister and I were talking the other day about Rich's adventure. We were raised in a very conservative family with school teacher parents who couldn't afford a vacation nor did they want to go anywhere except to the White Mountains to visit family. It's not in our blood to travel the world, so I guess Rich found someone to fulfill that lifetime dream. One of the questions I'll be asking on the other side is why two people who are so different ended up getting married. I guess maybe "opposites do attract" but boy it's been hard. Anyway, today I am getting things done that were on his "Honey Do" list. I told him if they weren't done before he left I was hiring someone to do them, so he will be surprised when he gets home and finds out he has paid someone else to do his jobs. Oh Well, that's life when you are out saving the world.

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