Monday, August 19, 2013

I Am Perfectly Imperfect

I have spent the last three days in Scottsdale at a seminar called the Landmark Forum. I learned a lot of things about myself that I didn't know seventy-two hours ago. I went because I wanted to get clarity on a few things that have happened in my life that have kept me stuck doing the same things over and over again. I wanted to get clear on why I am the way I am and why I do and feel the way I do. I got lots of good information and a sense of where my life is headed. The main thing I got was that I CAN do hard things. I can honestly say this was one of the most grueling things I have done, besides being big and pregnant four times. Because I am sixty years old it was extremely hard to sit in a chair from 9 a.m. to 10: p.m., three days in a row, but I did it! I learned so much that my head is still spinning, hopefully I will be able to process all this information and have it make a difference in my life. I learned that I run rackets all the time, and that I have three major strengths that I can't change. There were 157 people in our Forum, from all races, religions and cultures. I met some really wonderful people. On the way home, Mindi and I were talking about our experience and how it has changed us. I guess the main thing I got out of this was how blessed I really am. I have had great parents who only wanted the best for me. I was brought up with strong morals and gospel teachings. I have a wonderful husband and four great kids and seventeen grandchildren, and that we are all perfectly, imperfect. It is okay to be who I am, who else would I want to be? Anyway, it's good to be home and just feel relaxed and be able to get the things done around my house that were left behind last week. All the animals survived without my tender loving care so thanks to all those who helped. My life has many possibilities to be better than I ever thought it could be, it is all up to me to just do it now.

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