Saturday, April 6, 2013

"Have I Done Any Good?"

Last night Rich and I traveled to North Scottsdale for a "spay and neuter" fundraiser at the very nice restaurant called the Capital Grille. We were invited by a client of Rich's that he is doing some work for. They have one clinic already up and running but are wanting to open a new one at a location out here in the East Valley. As I sat and listened to all the good they do, I thought about my puppies at home and hoping we will be able to find some loving homes for them.  They brought around appetizers of crab cakes, lobster rolls and some kind of filet mignon on a cracker. We could also have any beverage we wanted, beer, wine, vodka, or what we asked for Sprite, because we don't drink alcohol. As we left Rich wanted to go eat somewhere. It is very rare that on a Friday night we aren't dead tired watching television. We were actually dressed up looking as spiffy as any two old people could look. As we were driving home I wanted to go by and see my parents, so we headed south when Rich realized he had promised a friend named Bill, he would come by and put a shelf up that had fallen from the wall and broken. We were right by his place so we went by and visited with him and Rich fixed a couple of things for him. His wife died a year ago on my birthday and he seems so lonely. He spends all his time watching television and working on needlepoint projects. He smokes, so by the time we left my nose was about to EXPLODE. We then stopped at Mom and Dad's and enjoyed visiting with them. Dad had one good day and then was back to the old too nauseous to eat yesterday. As we got in the truck heading home it was 9:00 o'clock, too late to eat dinner and we were tired. I told Rich the evening felt to me like the hymn we sing, "Have I Done Any Good?" The first verse says, "Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. Has anyone's burden been lighter today Because I was willing to share? Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there?" We had a good feeling going home that maybe in some small way we had cheered up the sad, and made someone's burden lighter. It was fun to meet some of the people Rich works for, I even got invited over to someone's house to have a glass of wine. The only problem is, I don't drink alcohol.  Maybe she has a Sprite!

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