Monday, December 10, 2012

"Of You It Is Required"

We spent all weekend working around the house. It has been so hard for me to finish up on my decorating. I was up in the night worrying about getting my tree done, so I've spent all morning trying to finish it. I'm just not motivated to do it anymore, I can see now why my sister doesn't even have a tree because it's so much work. I've gotten my shopping done for one of the families and am hoping to get the other three done this week. It has finally cooled down a little and it was 40 degrees when we left for church yesterday morning. First time I've had a sweater on in a long, long time. In one of our classes the lesson was titled, "Of You It Is Required to Forgive." I thought this is a lesson I really can relate to because some of us Greers, me, have a hard time with this concept. One paragraph in the lesson says, "We will be in this world only a short time. The youngest and strongest of us are simply preparing for the other life, and before we get into the glory of our Father and enjoy the blessings that we hope to receive through faithfulness, we will have to live the laws of patience, and exercise forgiveness toward those who trespass against us, and remove from our hearts all feelings of hatred toward them. Rich has told me time and time again that I need to forgive others. I feel that is a spiritual gift that some of us are born with. I must have missed that line in Heaven when they were handing out that gift. Maybe that is why I am in this place at this time to learn how to forgive and try not to offend others who I will need to ask for them to forgive me. Anyway, life is moving along and Christmas will be over soon and I can get back to normal, but what is normal?

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