Monday, December 24, 2012

Church, Cemetery and Temple Lights

Yesterday was a busy day with church and family activities. Only one more Sunday of 8:00 a.m. church, now that's something to celebrate. After our ward we went to Scottsdale to listen to my Dad speak in church. He did such a good job. I was worried he wouldn't feel well enough but was touched by the spirit as I listened to him bear his testimony and tell a special Christmas story. After church we gathered to take pictures of everyone who was there. Rich mentioned that the same place we posed yesterday was where we stood 36 years ago when we blessed Mindi. How has time gone by so fast? When we got home the rest of the family came over and we ate dinner and off to the cemetery we went to decorate Kamber's grave. It is always a peaceful place to be at Christmas and beautiful to look at all the decorations. Jenn visited with a man whose fifteen year old daughter died of bone cancer a year ago last November. It was nice to hear her tell him that "it does get easier," she has been where he is and knows how hard it is. On the way home from the cemetery we stopped at the Temple to see the lights. We haven't been there for a long time and it was fun to see the kids get so excited. We walked around for a while and left just as the crowd started getting too big and my anxiety was starting to kick in. Now today I am wrapping presents, grocery shopping, cleaning my house and hoping to keep my mind out of the deep doldrums that sink me into a place I hate to be. I just have to survive a few more hours and things will get better, I hope.

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