Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"I'm Having Such a Good Time"

After sitting in church for three hours I could hardly walk to the car. I was holding on to the wall as I left the building. The talks were really good and the lessons mostly on kindness, feeling the spirit and receiving personal revelation. Our home teachers came and as I told them how bad my hip still is, one who is a physical therapist told me that maybe I should get a second opinion. I have been so discouraged at the lack of mobility and level of pain that I almost had myself convinced to call a friend of mine who is an orthopedic surgeon. I think I'll wait for that personal revelation. A couple of things happened and I became so p*%^$# off I spent most of yesterday in my house trying to make sense of my life here. I finished the biography of Camilla yesterday and was amazed that I share a lot of her fears and interests. I knew she was related to us but when I looked at her genealogy my grandmother and Camilla had the same grandmother, Mary Bomelli. As I read her book about having a son with polio, supporting her husband in all of his health problems, and being shy and not wanting the attention on her, I was so impressed with her goodness. At the end of her book someone says, "it seems like that with all you've been through, you are entitled to feel depressed." Camilla responded, "Of course there are moments of discouragement, but if you have the impression that trouble is the main theme in my life you are mistaken, I have a wonderful life." She then goes on to say, "I love this life. I love the hot sun on my back as I work in the garden; I love to gather my family about me, I love parties; I love to read and to explore ideas and see new places; I love to visit the Saints and sense their vibrant faith. Living in this world has proven to be a voyage of continual discovery. I am reluctant to have it end, I am having too good a time." This is just what I was thinking. Ha!

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