Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Have A Family

I started blogging after Kamber passed away because I felt it would help me heal from the pain of the loss of that darling little girl. At times I feel like I am inspired to write about certain feelings I am having, but on the other hand I know I may be giving too much personal information about myself and my family. My life isn't a very exciting one. I pretty much do the same things everyday. I make the same bed, do the same dishes and clean the same house over and over again. I also feed the same cat, three dogs and all my fish and turtles day in and day out. I don't go anywhere or do anything that might be considered "going out on a limb" kind of thing. I grew up in a house with two very conservative school teachers who were very active in church but had very little extra money to travel or recreate. We didn't go to the lake or the beach or to Mexico like a lot of the families in our ward. I guess that is why all of us kids either played sports or the piano. They gave us all they could and especially wanted us to be educated, so we all graduated from college and both brothers went on missions. I know my parents love us kids and would do anything for us. They have not only supported Rich and I, but they have also been so good to our children and grandchildren. They don't have much, but what they do have they are so generous with. They are both 80 years old now and when I look at how well they are doing compared to some senior citizens their age I am so grateful. That they still have all their marbles is a blessing to our family. My Mom was very close to her Mother and her sister who have both since passed away. She also has told me how sad it was when my uncle was killed in an airplane accident while serving in the Airforce. She tries to lift my spirits when I'm down. They work in the Temple and are so dedicated to the gospel. As the children were singing our closing song in Primary, "I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me, I want to share my life with them through all eternity," I had to smile and think of my family here on earth and my grand baby in heaven.

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