Monday, October 26, 2009


I must warn you, the pictures in this post may be disturbing to some, especially for me and my family. We had our Ward Fall Festival on Saturday. Most every year I go as myself with a cute shirt with pumpkins or something on it. Last year I told myself that I would dress up this year because I was tired of being a "party pooper." Most every year I see some darling costumes and can't believe how creative some people are. Anyway, last Friday I went with Candi to run some errands and ended up in a small costume shop at Fiesta Mall. We looked at the usual witches, pirates and vampires but nothing seemed to jump out at me. I finally found a costume at the back of the store that was suppose to be worn by a man. It was called "Big Mama." As a joke I tried it on and Candi and the girl in the store told me it was hilarious and Candi even offered to pay for half of it. I should have known better if those two thought I should wear it that it would be embarrassing. I don't know what got into me, I must have lost my mind, I've been doing that quite regularly lately. Anyway, I ended up at the party with this "get up" on and now I just can't believe I would really do that. I was afraid all day yesterday when the phone rang that it was someone from the Ward telling me that my costume was inappropriate and not to come to church, but that never happened. As I was leaving the party I ran into my brother Len, he said, "is that a costume or did you get it out of your closet?" Isn't he a nice brother? You know, now that I see the pictures it seems to suit me just fine. I think I will wear it more often, I think it brings out my true personality.


Larsens said...

you are a hot momma! spence and i are a little dissappointed that you wore that shirt underneath it! happy halloween!

Unknown said...

Teri- You are a HOT mama, grandma and wifey. I wish I could of been there to see that one. I'm with Annie why the heck did you wear the black shirt underneath, go for it girl....if you're gonna portrait a big mamma then go all the way.... hee hee
You are the best love ya

Debbie said...

I laughed so hard---diet coke came out my nose!!!! You go girl!!!