Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Easter Pagent

Last night we went down to the Temple to watch the Easter Pagent. We don't go every year but this year I felt I needed to go. We only go on the night of the dress rehearsal because any other night is crazy with the crowds and trying to find a place to park. Rich got there early and saved a place for my Mom to park and Mindi and her boys and I got there right as it was starting. As the angels appeared on the top of the set I started to cry. I could feel the spirit and it touched me. The pagent is basically the Savior's life from birth to the resurrection. It is stories told by people who lived while he was on the Earth. I especially loved the part when they bring lots of little children up to him and he picks them up and you can just feel his love for the them. There was one little girl that had long blonde hair and her parents were carrying her up to see Christ so she could be healed. As he took her in his arms it felt as though he was holding Kamber and I began to cry again. I was using my socks to wipe the tears and I was hoping I wouldn't totally lose control. I was thinking that he had the power to save Kamber and keep her here, but he chose not to. I found myself asking "why?" again. As I was talking to Mindi today about the Pagent, she said,"when he picked the little blonde girl up in the purple dress I felt it was Kamber." I'm so glad I went and so thankful that Rich went with me. I know he was tired but he got there early and saved us a spot and I appreciate that.

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