Saturday, April 4, 2009

Celebrating Brookie

Brookie at one year birthday.

Kamber at two year birthday.

Yesterday was Baby Brookie's first birthday. As we were getting ready during the day to go out to Ethan and Jenn's for her party I thought about when Jenn was pregnant with her. They were on their way down to find out what they were having. I was positive that the baby was a boy because I felt Heavenly Father knew they had three girls and a boy would be necessary. When Ethan called and said it was another girl I called him a liar and a few other names and then he assured me it was another baby girl. Little did we know that three months after the birth of that beautiful baby, her sister Kamber would be taken away from our family. At Kamber's 2nd birthday Jenn had a huge colored flower on her head. When I saw it I said, "wow Jenn, couldn't you find a bigger flower to put in her hair?" We all laughed and I didn't think anymore about it until we were looking at pictures of Kamber for the video for her funeral. Now that is one of my very favorite pictures of her. I am so thankful for Brookie. I know she doesn't know the role she is playing in our family. She hasn't replaced Kamber, but everytime we see her it reminds us of Kamber. She has a lot of the same little looks and mannerism as her sister, and in a way that takes some of the sting away. I know that she has helped Jenn because it has made her get up everyday and take care of her. I know Kamber is watching and loves Brookie like we do.


Flip flop Queen! said...

Thanks for coming to her birthday! I am glad that this year you liked the flower, we had to have a little reminder of Kamber, right? Anyways thanks for being great grandparents to my kids!

Larsens said...

that brookie girl is too cute. you are right, brookie doesnt know the role she is playing in our family right now. we wish we could have been there. we miss the family and ty is ALWAYS asking to go to troys and gammas house! come see us... we'll show ya a good time!
love you guys!