Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Primary Spirit

Mindi and I have the amazing job of teaching the 10-11 year-old girls in Primary. This age is so special because they are still really innocent and not yet obnoxious, (well most of the time.) We are learning about the restoration of the gospel by Joseph Smith. I swear I learn more than they do. After Kamber passed away we took a month off from teaching. We didn't know whether we would be able to go back to Primary with all those little kids. I have to admit the first couple of weeks were hard. I would think, Kamber isn't ever going to be in a Sacrament Program, get baptised or give a talk. One night as I was having a "Kamber Moment" I was telling Rich about how hard it is for me to see all those kids and what she is missing. He then told me that she doesn't need to do any of that stuff. She is already promised the Celestial Kingdom. This month we are learning a new song. I have never heard it before. It is "The Family Is of God." When I woke up this morning the words to this song kept going through my mind. The words to the first verse are,"Our Father has a family, It's me! It's you, all others too: we are His children. He sent each one of us to earth, through birth, To live and learn here in families." The the chorus says,"God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be. This is how He shares His love, for the family is of God." I am so thankful that Kamber is part of our family. I don't know why she was taken home so soon, but I hope to live worthy to see her again.


Melissa said...

I love that song; each week in Primary those kids sing with such a true knowledge of it.

I am so sorry; but look at you, going each week and doing your part still! It takes a GREAT person to continue to be faithful through adversity!!!!

The McNeil Family said...

I love this song, we are learning it in our primary too.. I hope to see Kamber again too, it is so hard to deal with all of the trials here on earth. but i know if i endure then we can see our little angel again