Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Really Matters?

I spent all weekend trying to finish decorating my house and tree. We had Rich's neice and her family spend the night on Friday and then we went to church and had the missionaries over for dinner on Sunday. It has been quite a long time since we signed up to feed them but it was nice. They left us with a message on hope and boy could I use that. This weekend was kind of a bummer for me. I have been waiting all season for Spencer to come home and play the Cardinals. During the game on Sunday I realized that after the first half he never went back in. He always plays unless he's injured so I thought something might have happened. Sure enough, after the game he called and told me he had a small tear in his hamstring and won't be playing this week. I have yet to watch him play in a regular season game in person. I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. My mind was racing and my thoughts weren't very good. So I got up and came in the spare bedroom and started reading my scriptures and some conference talks. One was on faith and the other on what is really important in our lives. What really matters? Basically what matters to us is what we spend our time on, and love equals time. That makes sense to me and I see it in my own life in the lives of my family. What they love they spend their time doing. I spent all day yesterday working on a quilt, that makes me happy. This time of year is hard for me. I want to feel that holiday cheer and enjoy the music and true meaning of Christmas. It always seems like someone or something is missing in my life. Maybe that's the Grinch in me. Hopefully I will be able to move out of this mood and in to the Christmas spirit soon, otherwise it's going to be a long long December.

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