Monday, July 29, 2013

"Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear?"

My weekend started with a call early Friday morning from Spencer who was in the Houston airport waiting for a connecting flight to Florida. He has signed a contract to play with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers next season. My heart and mind have been busy all weekend trying to make sense of my son being so far away from home and his family, trying out for a job to play football. After the injuries he had last season and with the birth of his fourth child, the stakes get higher and higher playing football. I remember taking him to get a sports physical to play high school ball and the doctor asking me, " are you sure you want him to play football? The statistics say that 25% of all kids who play football end up with a life altering injury." I still can remember the doctor and the fear, but Spencer loves the game. The NFL is a cutthroat operation and they only keep you if they think you can help them win games and sell tickets. Last night we went out to the property Ethan has put money down on and is going to build a house on. He bought it from an old farmer and hopefully he will be able to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear." I made some homemade strawberry/  banana ice cream and we all went out to see the progress they are making on getting the double wide ready for Jenn and the kids to move in to. It is quite the project, but if anyone can do it Ethan and Rich can. The first time I went out I was in tears as we left the property. It was so overwhelming and the thought of five of my grandchildren moving into a beat up old stinky trailer made me so sad. But as Ethan has been working on making it liveable, I am feeling much better about it and I think they will be fine out there. As we left last night there were some white and grey puffy clouds and you could see the San Tan mountains. It is a quiet little area with goats and horses. It reminds me of this area when we moved in seventeen years ago. Life always has the twists and turns, trials and tribulations, but sometimes when we are with our family it is heaven, and I know Kamber is looking down on them and helping whenever she can.

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