Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Trials, Troubles and Triumphs"

Last night as I went to sleep I heard on the news of a little two-year old girl who had passed away after being found in a pool unresponsive. My heart hurt for the family of this child. Five years ago today our family was sent into that same spiral of absolute shock and grief. As I was reading my book, Enjoy Life's Journey the chapter was titled "Trials, Troubles and Triumphs." She says, Trials are given purposely to help us develop character. God uses our fiery trials to transform us. It is through our difficulties that we will come to understand our strengths and weaknesses. God knows them, but we need to know them ourselves to understand that the judgment of God is just. Every challenge has a great effect upon our eternal destiny, depending upon how we meet and overcome our problems and pain." This morning I woke up at 4:15 again. My mind was just racing thinking about all that has happened in the last five years. There have been six more grandchildren born. Several have been baptized and Trace has been given the Aaronic Priesthood. Everyone is progressing along but Kamber, who will forever be only two years old in my mind. I tried to remember her and her cute little personality and how loving and affectionate she was. Then I remembered that very spiritual and sacred day when our family met together and dressed her for burial. Jenn curled her hair and each of her aunts painted her little toes before they put her little flip flops on. I look at how my testimony has grown and that I KNOW she is waiting on the other side for her family to join her. I have such empathy for those mothers who have lost children now. I think it is through these trials that we learn to have charity for those around us. Our family is far from perfect and I have to work everyday to keep my sanity, but hopefully we are moving closer to Heaven. As my little book says, "Tribulation is often the paintbrush God uses to create a masterpiece on the canvas of our lives. In Heavenly Father's divine plan for each of us, every problem has a purpose! Pain and problems are the challenges given for our growth by a loving Heavenly Father. When we are able to overcome each problem, we step up to another level of progression, and our eyes will be opened to new wisdom and knowledge." I won't go back and wonder why she had to leave so young, I trust God's plan for her and hope that through our trials we will become more like the Savior.

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