Monday, January 14, 2013

Total Ice Age Over Here

I woke up this morning at exactly 3:33 a.m. I tossed and turned until around 5 until I finally went back to sleep. Yesterday was stressfull with church and having dinner for some of the family. After dinner I went in and was taking a bath when someone started yelling in my bedroom. "What's going on in there!" It sounded like Ethan but he had just left with his family. I yelled back "what are you doing here?" He said, "what do you mean what am I doing here, I'm here to see my folks." It was Spencer who had flown in with Dave from Colorado to surprise us. Annie flew in with the four kids on Friday to get out of the cold back East and here we are in a total ice age. I have spent a week now trying to prepare for the cold.  With all my animals and plants it has caused me lots of stress. I have asked Rich every summer when the heat is sending me down to hell, to move me somewhere cool. After this week I can see why he hates the cold. It was 24 degrees at our house this morning when I got up. We got irrigation yesterday afternoon and when I looked out the window the irrigation was frozen. I can't ever remember it being so cold that it looked like a frozen pond in our front yard. I can see why after growing up in Utah and serving a mission in Canada, Rich isn't going anywhere. He loves the heat and the long days when he can work for twelve hours. It will be fun to spend some time with Spencer and the kids. It will be back to normal by Friday in the 70's and boy will that feel good.

1 comment:

Lis said...

I am missing the warm weather. It's -11 this morning here in Vernal.