Friday, January 18, 2013

"There is Something Wrong With Me"

This has been an extremely hard week for me. With the freezing temperatures and all the work that came with it, I'm so far behind in my work around my house I don't even want to get out of bed. I'm just now getting the rest of my Christmas stuff put away. My mind has been reeling with thoughts concerning my life. I told a friend the other day that "there is something really wrong with me." He about laughed out of his chair as he said, "Teri, there is something wrong with everyone." After being told I am the "most hateful, vengeful person around', it made it even worse. Sometimes I wonder why we are given the trials we have. Why do I have to suffer with anxiety and pain? Why is my Dad suffering the effects of chemotherapy and cancer?  I still keep wondering why Kamber was taken from us after such a short time on earth? So this morning I pulled out my Patriarchal Blessing that was given to me in 1974 when I was 24 years old. When I began to read there were several things that popped out at me. "You are a child of God literally, your intelligence is eternal, it has always existed." It then talks about how I lived in heaven and mingled with others. Then I "was given a body of flesh and blood and now as a living soul you are prepared to exercise agency." It goes on to say how "the purpose of your existence here upon the earth is to work out your own exaltation and eternal life." There it is, plain as day. There IS something wrong with me. That is why I was sent to earth to figure out this earthly experience, with all the joys and sorrows it has to offer. The key to this mortal experience for me is that we have all been given agency, and it is My responsibility to figure it out. As my Mom told me again last night, "just do the very best that you can, that is all that is expected."

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