Saturday, January 12, 2013

Not Buying The Global Warming

Trulie's job is to take the carrots out every morning to the rabbits.

Troy and Trulie on the tramp

One of our trees before the deep freeze.

I spent most of last Saturday at a volleyball tournament in Tempe.  There were six courts going at the same time with a total of twenty-four teams playing. When I watch Tristyn play it reminds me of the hours I spent watching Mindi and Candi compete. It's nice to see that girls have such an opportunity to learn the skills of the sport, plus how to be a good teammate. Last summer was one of the hottest on record. We had more days over 110 degrees than ever before. I look forward every year to the winter and spring months and enjoy the warm Arizona weather. This week they have been warning us of a cold snap that is coming our way. On the news last night they said it will be probably break a record that we set in 1988. We live on two acres of farm land in the middle of Gilbert. Rich always says that he's the farmer and I'm the rancher. He loves his citrus and pomegranate tress, not to mention the flowers that line our sidewalks. I love my chickens, rabbits, tortoises, fish and of course the pack of dogs. All summer we run misters and coolers to try and keep all of God's creatures from dying of heat stroke, now I have been worrying about how to keep them warm. We have a plan but who knows how cold it will really get and how long it will stay that cold. It only takes a cold snap like this to freeze all our fruit and then it is ruined. So I've spent most of the day picking oranges, tangelos and lemons and hopefully everything will survive. As I was picking lemons out in the front the cool breeze on my face plus the warm sun felt so good. I had the thought, "I wish I could bottle this feeling so when it's 110 degrees next July I can pull it out and enjoy. So much for global warming, I just don't buy it.

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