Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Add Buccaners To The List

On Sunday I still wasn't feeling that well so after Sacrament Meeting I came home. I was having my parents and a friend over for dinner so I needed to do some preparation anyway. I turned on the television to watch a little bit of the game that Spencer was suppose to be playing in Saturday night. As I was watching it, I had the strangest thought go through my mind. I heard a little voice telling me that he wouldn't be playing on this team. About fifteen minutes later I got a call from Spencer, he was sitting in an airport waiting to go back to Denver. All he said was that they cut him that morning three hours before his arrival at the airport. As a Mother we really try to make things better when there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent trials and adversity in the lives of our children and grandchildren. It didn't matter what I said, they were empty words. Spencer will be fine no matter where life takes him. He has his degree and is certified to do his MAT treatments. The NFL is a cutthroat business. They don't care about their players unless they are going to make them millions. It just gives me another team to hate besides the Broncos and the Patriots. I never felt good about him being on the east coast and the Buccaneers have MRSA, a serious staph infection, going through their locker room anyway. Good riddens to them. I hope I'm not sounding too bitter but I guess I am. Anyway, I just got home from the doctor and I don't have strep throat, thank heavens. This is going on two weeks since I came down with this illness and it needs to go away soon. I continue to step in all those traps my dear ones put in my way, and boy how I love the rackets we run, it makes life so much fun.

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