Monday, January 9, 2012

Broncos In The Play Offs Minus Spencer

I was telling Rich the other day that between trying to diet, still having hip pain, and dealing with this stinking economy, I'm ready to throw in the towel. He is Mister Optimistic and I'm Debbie Downer, how do two people who are so different get together? That's a whole different story. Yesterday we went to church, ate dinner and then watched the Steelers vs. Broncos game. Spencer got hit in the knee last week and injured one of the ligaments in his surgically repaired knee. We felt thankful that the injury wasn't worse and knew our prayers had been answered, but knew he wouldn't be playing. The curse lives on, he has never been on a team that went to a bowl game or play offs since his sophomore year of high school. His team is playing in the play offs, minus him. Last week Mindi got a call from an old friend telling her about his aunt. She has terminal cancer but before she passes away wanted to go to a Broncos game. He wanted to know if Spencer could pull some strings and do something special for her. I guess her family got tickets for her and her husband to fly to Denver from Nebraska where they met up with some other friends and went to the game. After the game Spencer got tickets for them to go on the field to have some pictures taken. Then she got to go in the tunnel where she met up with Spencer and and he gave her a ball signed by all the players. Right now I think life is hard for me but when I hear of others trials I'm thankful for my own. We never know what we will have to deal with, work through, or put up with, I'm just thankful I have survived some of my adversities. I'm trying to keep my head out of the toilet and know that all these trials we have are for our good, they help us develop qualities we need to return home where we came from.

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