Friday, February 11, 2011

My Life Is A Blurrr

I can't believe it's already been a week since I was up in Utah eating a Mexican dinner with our extended family on Rich's side. My life has been a blurrrrr since I went to Colorado, home for a week and then up to Utah for another week. I have been so tired but super glad to be home and sleeping in my own bed. Yesterday was a really busy day running errands and cleaning to get my house ready to celebrate Kamber's birthday. We all met at the cemetery and let the kids send off purple balloons in memory of her. My Mom, her brother Carl and his wife Sue surprised us and came to spend time with our family. It meant a lot because they are very special to me. Carl is my Mom's only surviving family member, the rest have all passed to the other side. Sue and Carl's first baby, a girl named Cinda Sue was stillborn, so they understand how hard it is to bury a child. I admire them so much, he being a Vietnam Veteran and all the service they have done in their lives. They live in California but come to Arizona to get away for a while. It's always fun to see them. I went to the doctor today to go over the blood work that was taken before I left town. There are a few things that are a little concerning, but hopefully nothing too serious. Since having my hip surgery I have been extremely tired, and sometimes really depressed. Some days it feels like my hip is getting better and then others where I need my cane to walk. Everyone says it just takes time to get my strength built up, but on Monday it will be five months since my operation. After being in the cold for a couple of weeks I'm getting anxious for it to get hot so I can get in my pool and exercise. That means over a hundred degrees for a week or two to even get it to warm up. Is that me hoping for hot weather? I know I will wish I were in Utah or Colorado in a few months, I guess I will never be happy. Life continues to teach me lessons I need to know. I wish I had listened to the spirit and called Beth on the Sunday before she passed away. I need to be better at doing the things I'm prompted to do. I miss Kamber everyday but know she is in a wonderful place with family who LOVE her. Those of us who are still here keep trudging along until it's out turn to join her.

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