Friday, February 18, 2011

The Senility Prayer

The weeks are going by fast as we are closing in on the end of February. Yesterday was my son-in-law Dave's birthday and tomorrow is Mindi's big 34. How can such a spring chicken like me have a daughter that old? It seems like with three birthdays and a funeral my life would be busy and my social calendar full, but I'm sure we will find some more activities to fill in the blank days. Tomorrow we have Trent's football tournament and then Tristyn's volleyball games next Sat. A good friend in the ward called this morning and invited Mindi and I to go to lunch for her birthday. That makes three visits to Tia Rosa's in a weeks time. I hate to even think about the havoc it reeks on my diet. How many calories are in chips and salsa, a cheese enchilada, beans, rice and a cheese crisp anyway? I'm sure way more than I'm burning off doing dishes and laundry.
Last year I started a quilt for Dave. Mindi and I rounded up all his old T-shirts from high school, his mission, and trips he took before he got married. I have had them in a pile for a whole year without doing one thing on them. Well, this week I decided to get it done for his birthday. I worked at least three hours a day all week and finally got it all put together except for blind hemming the binding on it. Around ten o'clock last night I took it in to him as he was having a piece of his birthday cheesecake. He seems to really like it and gave me a little hug. That was huge, because as I have said before we Larsen's aren't very affectionate to each other. Now tomorrow we will need to find a way to celebrate with Mindi. I'm going to suggest something other than Mexican food for her dinner. Life continues to teach me lessons I need to learn. Sometimes I wonder why the trials can't be taken away but then I realize it could be so much worse, so I'm trying to move towards accepting my life and myself the way it is. In my house I have a lot of little signs that I have been given as gifts or that I have bought myself. While I was in the laundry room throwing some clothes in the dryer I noticed one of my favorite sayings.

It says: The Senility Prayer

God Grant Me
The senility to forget the people I never liked.
The good fortune to run into the ones I do like.
And the eyesight to tell the difference!
That says it all.


Unknown said...

Tia Rosa...I'm there alot, maybe we've run into each other~HOPE I'M COUNTED IN THAT 2ND GROUP, Love thAT PRAYER...I'm posting it and LOVe your quilt Teri...wish I could copy that too!

Unknown said...

that "JIM" is me--->Diane G....We are in the mountains and I'm on his lap top...I'm just leaving your blog on, your music is always so great!!!