Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remebering 9-11

This morning when Rich was getting ready for work we were listening to the news about what happened eleven years ago today. It took me back in my memory of that day. I had just gotten Spencer off to school for his senior year and excited about the upcoming football season. I remember sitting in my nightgown trying to decide what to do first when the phone rang. It was Rich telling me to turn the t.v. on, something terrible had happened. He said something like, "you need to watch the news because an airplane just flew into a building." Me not knowing anything answered, "Wow, was anyone hurt?" All I remember is Rich's answer, "I'm sure there are a lot of people hurt." How could I have even comprehended the horror that would eventually happen that day? Last Sunday night my sister called and as we were visiting she said, " do you remember a year ago at this time we were in Denver going to the game to watch Spencer play?" I am amazed at how much difference even a year makes. As I listened to the names being read of those killed in the 9-11 terror attacks I felt so bad for the families. Even though it has been eleven years they are still grieving the loss of their loved ones. This week as I was telling Rich about all my trials, Kamber's death, hip operation, Dad's cancer and a few others all he said was, "you know that is why we are here, to have challenges." There's that old "Plan of Happiness" thing again. Spencer wants me to fly back to Boston to see him while he's recovering from his knee surgery. He knew when he went 2,000 miles away that I'm afraid to fly. I did at one time fly, I even went to Hawaii when I was young and stupid. With my luck there would be someone on the plane that was trying to crash it, there again maybe that's not such a bad idea, my challenges would be over.

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