Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Blues

Every year about this time I seem to go into a summer depression. I think it is probably what people who live in cold climates experience in the winter when they don't see the sun for months. It is just the opposite for me, I would give anything for a monsoon thunderstorm, or even some cool cloudy weather. I have lived in Arizona my whole life and every year I wonder, why do we live here? When the weather is nice I somehow accumulate a bunch of unwanted animals that people have bought and then realize how hard they are to take care of. Then when summer comes I worry constantly about how they are doing in the 110 degree heat. I have become one of those people, in April I bought a darling baby female Flemish giant rabbit. I have always wanted one because I felt like she would grow so big she wouldn't get out of the pen so the dogs could kill her. Anyway, when I got her the weather was beautiful and I was so happy to bring her home. Well, yesterday I realized that having a 20 pound rabbit caged up in the house wasn't that great. I had to keep her in the house because anything over about 80 degrees would kill her. Anyone who has raised rabbits know that they go to the bathroom A LOT and it isn't that pleasant of a smell. So after thinking about it all day, I called my friend Lisa who is a licensed animal rescuer and told her my situation. She said, "why don't you bring her over and I will work with her and see if I can litter box train her." We took her over to Lisa who is the kindest person I know when it comes to animals, she even has a kangaroo hopping around her house. She will either keep her or find her a new home, but as we drove home I realized that I had become one of those people I get upset with who buy animals and don't realize the commitment and then dump them on others. I don't know if it is because I'm old, tired or just plain sad about the passing of Kamber, but I just don't have it in me anymore. I'm tired of everyone going on vacation and me staying home taking care of all the animals. Most of it I have brought on myself but I am going to try really hard to simplify my life and just try and endure another sweltering summer in Arizona, who knows, we may even get a storm sometime.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

We need to buy a cabin and then us two grandmas could go spend the summer there and the grandkids could come visit. We could buy matching rocking chairs. I suppose you could herd all your animals up there too. I don't do animals so I can't feel your pain. That's probably why I don't do animals. Can't stand the pain. Todd---Kasey's oldest is highly allergic to pet hair, so it's a good thing I don't have animals because I would have to get rid of them. His eyes swell shut and he can hardly breathe.

You and Rich need to take a vacation. Pay one of the grandkids to take care of your animals and take off for a week. It would do you both good. Celebrate the "unleashing" of you both. =)