Friday, December 14, 2012

Rooster Rescue

On Tuesday evening when I went out to do my chores I saw Spencer's dog Trixie had a chicken pinned down in the yard. I yelled at her and put her in the laundry room to feed her. I was in a hurry because it was getting dark and cold so I went out barefoot, on a search and rescue for the chicken. After walking up and down the yard I finally saw it hiding in the irrigation ditch under some grapevines. Since my hip surgery I don't dare get down in the ditch for fear I wouldn't make it out, so off I went to find a stick or something to help me get him out. Even with a stick he wouldn't budge so I ended up on my stomach in the yard pulling the d#*^  rooster out of the ditch. My feet were frozen and I told myself, "you are going to get sick now saving that good for nothing rooster." So sure enough I have been fighting the onset of a cold for the last two days and been taking every vitamin and supplement I can think of to help me. I need to stay well for at least two more weeks as we have a party tonight with the Stake, a ward breakfast tomorrow and a wedding reception tomorrow evening. To top it off Rich has to speak in church at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. As Rich was helping me put some boxes up in our closet I said, "I hate Christmas, I will be so glad when it's over." I don't really hate Christmas, just the busy, out of control part of Christmas. All the other stuff I love, the music, lights, and family time. Anyway, I have so much to do I don't know where to start so I guess I will just start somewhere and hope I end up living through it. As my Mom always tells me, "Teri, just do the best you can, that's all you can do."

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