Monday, November 9, 2009

"The Mighty Change"

Rich left this morning at 5:00 a.m. for Denver to watch Spencer play on Monday Night Football. It's always exciting for him to go but it always puts me in the toilet. I get the old "life isn't fair" attitude. I could go if I wanted to fly to Denver, spend the day and go to the game, then get up early and fly home at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. That just doesn't sound fun to me. It sounds exhausting and I'm already tired and I just got up. When Rich left he woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. I was having anxiety about everything. I started thinking about all that I need to do today and I started feeling overwhelmed. I decided to go read my scriptures and try to settle down. When my Mom came over last week to juice pomegranates she brought me a book that a friend had given my Dad in 1982. It is call "The Mighty Change." I started reading it on Saturday. It basically talks about how we need to have that mighty change so we can overcome our problems and shortcomings in this life and try to become more like Christ. WOW! That's asking a lot for me to change enough to become like Him. Yesterday in Primary we were teaching the girls about how hard it was when the Saints got in to Utah. They had nothing; no food, no shelter, but they were so happy to be in a place where they felt safe. Crossing the plains had to be hell but they were so joyful to have a place to settle in and start building. The lesson was a combination of gratitude and keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. I definitely have a long way to go in both of those areas. Anyway, I know the mighty change is going to be a slow process for me but hopefully I still have a little bit of time left. I'm going to try and be happy today and show gratitude for all that I have been given.

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