Monday, April 27, 2015

Carnival, Baptism and Temple Sealing

This weekend was a busy one for me. It started Friday night when I took my Mom over to the school for the annual carnival. Mindi had volunteered to head up the committee because there wasn't any other suckers. She worked for months making games and collecting all the prizes to give away. I think having five kids going through the school made her feel like she needed to do it. She is such a hard worker and had some others who stepped in to help her which I know she appreciated. Now that the carnival is over she can get her house back to normal.  On Saturday morning we went to Spencer's oldest son Tyton's baptism. It's always fun to see these little eight year-olds take that major step in their lives. They had a great family turnout and it is always nice watching them support each other.  They had a luncheon afterwards but I left to take a road trip with a friend. My dear friend Paula was getting sealed in the Gila Valley Temple at 2:15 p.m. in the afternoon, so LeAnn and I left the church and headed to the Temple three hours away. I had never been to that part of the state and I'm so glad I went. The Temple is small but beautiful. We had a nice drive and made it in time to visit with her family and be there to support her. There was a nice little luncheon at the church next to the Temple and we finally got some lunch before heading back to Gilbert. Paula is a dear friend that I've known for over thirty years. She lived in our neighborhood in Lehi before we moved to Gilbert. After her divorce, she married a guy in my ward which made it extra special. Her Dad passed away last year after he fell and broke his hip and her Mother is in bad health. She fell and broke her hip and so Paula and her sister and sister-in-laws have been taking care of her. It has been touch and go as far as having her there with Paula and Rick in the Temple. It was a special day for them. This is going to be another busy week with a baby shower and volleyball tournament. When you have this many kids and grand kids it seems like there is never a dull moment. I'm working on four quilts right now and hopefully I can get them finished before the weather heats up. I lose my desire to make quilts when the temps get in the hundreds which is coming this weekend. Grrrrrrr!

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