Monday, March 11, 2013

"You Make Your Life What You Want It To Be"

This week is spring break for the kids here in Gilbert. It may be a break for the kids, but it just makes life harder for the Moms. We have been busy this morning cleaning up and working around the house. After two and a half hours of irrigation and then a storm that dropped over a half inch of rain, we are pretty muddy around here. It was 58 degrees last Friday and by Thursday it will be in the 90's. We went from winter to summer in a weeks time. On Friday our little Shih Tzu dog had six brown puppies. That makes three litters of puppies, seventeen total. I woke up this morning at 4:00 a.m. with a killer headache.  I think it's all a self induced kind of stress thing. The time might be coming soon for me to get out of the animal business. I'm going to be sixty this year and with my bad hip it complicates everything I do. I spend so much time taking care of the animals and making sure everything is clean and fed, that I'm really not enjoying life anymore. I want to be able to work on some of my quilts and maybe even finish one for my bed. Anyway, I'm just having a little "pity party" for myself right now, can you tell?  It seems like I've been taking care of either kids or animals for way too long and I may be burning out just a bit. Is it time yet for me to sit in a rocking chair eating bon bons and grapes and having someone fan me all day long? Last week as Rich and I were getting ready for bed he said, "it's going to be interesting when you die and go to the other side and see all those animals that you have tried to make their lives better." I hope the angels in Heaven know my heart is in the right place. While I was looking for a quote from Spencer W. Kimball on the treatment of animals I came across this one from an anonymous writer. It says, "Be glad there are big hurdles in life and rejoice, too, that they may be higher than most people can surmount. Be happy they are numerous, it is those hurdles that give you a chance to work your way to the front of the crowd. They are your friends. For if it were not for high hurdles, many men might be able to outrun you." I have never been the one to be glad for the high hurdles in my life. Health challenges and losing Kamber have especially taken a huge toll on my ability to cope with these hurdles in life. There was another little saying I liked, "You make your life what you want it to be." So it's up to me to carry on, even during spring break.

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